Sun Bronzed Greek Gods
January 6, 2011


Sun Bronzed Greek Gods

Burning Mill Records

From Sun Bronzed Greek Gods’ first track I can tell you this is a band to look out for.  New on the indie chart radar, Dom is led by front man and the band’s namesake Dom (who won’t give out his last name due to “owing a bunch of people money”) and rounded off with eclectic styled drummer Bobby, bassist/guitarist Erik and their shred expert Cosmo.   Dom employs a style reminiscent of typical garage rock but then they go and warp it merging it with their love of our last twenty years of pop music, channeling stylings from favorite acts including Weezer and Nirvana.  With fuzzy, lo-fi effects, distorted vocals and upbeat Casio keyboard melodies Dom really has brought something here.  In fact, to really achieve the affect they were looking for they brought their instruments into band member Erik’s small bedroom for a several day binge of fruit loops and recording.  And afterwards they come up with this infectious fast and fun EP that both pays tribute to the garage of the ‘90s while giving it the perfect update for a generation accustomed to indie and electro pop.  Sun Bronzed Greek Gods will be Dom’s first release, and with it certainly won’t be their last.  Now I just have to wait till they start appearing on my summer festival lists…  And besides, if that’s not a dope album cover, I don’t know what is.


Released:   2/15/2011